Opportunity Village

Child Protection Guidelines

In order to ensure the children’s safety and sense of security, Opportunity Foundation has a policy that all employees, potential employees, volunteers, interns, consultants and Board Members consent to the following:

1) Individuals are requested to have a background check if available at the country from which the individuals are or being interviewed by the Foundation’s child protection personnel if they are from local areas, for any convictions for child abuse, pedophilia or related offenses. A certified copy after the background check has to be made available for the foundation prior to the effective date of the service.

2) Any individual working with our children may not spend time alone with a child and must be accompanied by a staff member of the foundation when with a child.

3) Any individual may not stay overnight alone with our children. There may be some circumstances when it might be appropriate for some of our staff except the children’s caregiving parents to spend time alone with a child in one-on-one sessions. However, this should be an exception rather than a rule.

4) Two or more adults must supervise all activities where the foundations’children are involved. At least two adults must be present at all times.

5) Inappropriate behavior on the part of any individual toward any child will be dealt with immediately and the matter will be reported to the director of Opportunity Village immediately by all means.

6) All visual communications about children must protect our children’s confidentiality unless the children agree to provide their consent. However, the final permission of the use of the personal information, photographs, videos, and/or any other types of visual communications will have to be obtained from the director of the Village.

7) Anyone wishing to use the of visual resources such as videos or photographs must sign an agreement with the Foundation office and will be abide by Children’s Protection and Information Technology law in Thailand as to the proper use of such materials. This agreement will include a statement that any use of such materials for purposes other than what is agreed upon will subject the individuals and groups to legal action.

8) All employees, volunteers, interns, consultants, and Board Members are asked to sign to a document his/her understanding of the appropriate and decent behaviors set forth by the Foundation. Anyone who fails to do so will be encountered with corrective and/or legal actions by the Foundation.


Our guidlines are adapted from appropriate portions of the Thai Child Protection Act.